A Safety Daily Log Reduces Risks 11 Ways 

Use Safe Site Check In to enforce safety & security requirements and capture compliance records. Drive down workers comp premiums too.

Safe Site Check In helps supervisors enforce safety guidelines by automatically capturing attendance and the compliance data required by project owners, safety managers and regulators.

With Safe Site Check In:

  • Know who was onsite, when, where, and how long without manual data entry
  • Automates the daily log as workers check in and out of jobsites
  • Captures answers to all safety questions during check in
  • Ensures supervisors are consistently communicating safety plan requirements
  • Paperless record keeping for easier compliance documentation 
  • Paperless distribution of safety data sheets
  • Onboard workers with training videos and documents
  • QR badging for rapid check in/out, phone or printed
  • Worker profiles capture certs, licenses and safety records
  • Know of events and incidents when they happen
  • Observations – text, photo, audio – automatically added to the daily log
  • Meets all changing health screening recommendations

Construction, manufacturing, utilities, warehousing and healthcare are all safety-first industries. Many firms are still using paper forms for managing safety and compliance. Paper based safety processes have even outlasted Covid. Now is the time to retire paper from all jobsites. 

Worker and subcontractor check-ins, the daily log, and simply knowing who is or was on a jobsite and what they were doing may not seem like a big deal — until there’s a problem.  

When any jobsite incident occurs, an investigation requires witness interviews and a review of the general contractor’s records. You’ll need to show all relevant protocols were followed by those on site and their safety certifications. That’s why our safety daily log is so important.

Safe Site Check In

Too often, this information is contained in various paper forms or PDFs, making claims and investigations time consuming and costly. To improve jobsite management, safety and productivity, companies are now adopting Safe Site Check In.

Safe Site Check In performs  jobsite check in using digital QR codes to record each worker’s project onboarding attendance. This data is essential or supervisors, project managers and safety managers. Workers receive a secure personal QR badge and password protected account which can include safety related skills, certifications, licenses, training, etc.

During check in at the start of a shift is the best time to communicate jobsite specific risks. The app makes it easy to share safety documents, videos, and hazmat data sheets. And Safe Site Check In helps supervisors make faster jobsite task assignments that are aligned with worker skills. Your safety daily logs are then securely and permanently stored in the cloud.

Safety Daily Log Report and Check In Features of Safe Site Check In

  • Project onboarding with safety training
  • Paperless jobsite entry health screening (e.g. Covid, flu, etc.)
  • Jobsite-specific worker safety requirements (e.g. vaccinations required)
  • Safe practice notifications to reinforce good habits (e.g. heat, falls, etc.)
  • Safety data sheet distribution and access by all (e.g. hazmat)
  • Safety videos for training and continuous learning
  • Safety “tool talk” attendance record keeping 
  • Visitor liability waivers
  • Proof of vaccination reporting
  • Contact and jobsite incident tracing reports
  • Worker profile data for safety related training and skills development
safety daily log

Safety Managers in Construction, Utilities, Manufacturing and Warehousing use Safe Site Check In’s Safety Daily Log Reports

Safe Site Check In provides data insights to quickly and effectively mitigate risks before incidents happen. For example, Safe Site Check In lets a safety officer know immediately if workers and subcontractors are complying with employer, state or federal health guidelines or with project owner mandates to identify all workers and visitors.

For safety professionals and HR, Safe Site Check In can be used to securely and privately communicate unreported or under-reported jobsite issues, including images and text from the jobsite of incidents or potential incidents. 

Safe Site Check In stores safety data sheets as digital documents in the cloud, so that hazardous material handling information is available anywhere needed. Distributing safety data sheets using Safe Site Check In saves on printing and reproduction costs, and such documents can be updated without moving binders into the field.

Safe Site Check In can also ensure workers and subcontractors are properly onboarded, trained and advised of their compliance obligations. Safety data creates better relationships with project owners and other parties sharing project risks, such as insurance brokers, inspectors, property managers, compliance officers, attorneys, and local municipalities.

Get Started with Safe Site Check In

Easy, safe, affordable, satisfaction guaranteed

Creating a Safety Culture using Safe Site Check In’s Safety Daily Log Reports

Safety experts believe safety management is long overdue for innovation. Instead of focusing on incidents after the fact, safety managers need to build safety protocols into all worksite processes with daily engagement.

According to safety expert Rod Courtney, author of the recently published, “The Eight Habits of a Highly Effective Safety Culture,” and HSE Director at Ampirical Solutions, “a safety culture is rooted in what employees do when nobody is watching.”

Going beyond safety checklists, safety culture is about a belief system, not simply completing and filing documents. It’s a combination of protocols and processes as well as a mindset that embraces and prioritizes the safety of everybody in the workplace. 

As a company’s safety culture evolves, it creates an opportunity to update or change outdated processes that no longer serve the organization or its workforce. For example, safety critical information like jobsite attendance can be captured through a worker’s smartphone using Safe Site Check In at the start of their shift. The data is then securely cloud stored in real time and enables two-way communication with all jobsite workers.

Imagine a flash flood sweeps into a jobsite and the project supervisor must account for everybody who was present. What happens if the general contractor had an outdated process for managing check-ins where everybody signed in at the jobsite trailer, scribbled their name on a form and went to work? The paper forms may be hard to read or destroyed. There would be no way to verify the workers and visitors, their location, if they’re been injured or missing.

Although incidents are often the catalyst for change, fostering a safety culture cannot be just reactive. Safety culture must become part of the fabric of the organization and evident in the way everybody working at or on behalf of the company does their jobs. Executive leadership is a must. Customers and regulators are becoming more demanding, and digital tools like Safe Site Check In are part of the solution.

How Digitizing Jobsite Safety Processes Saves Costs, Increases Profits

Safe Site Check In uses digital consumer technology to save customers an estimated $2.50 per check in. These savings reduce safety related general administrative overhead costs both in the field and HQ. Better communications, training and management information reduce costly incidents. And digital recordkeeping by our innovative safety check in software and automating daily logs drives down the costs of compliance.  

No workplace or workforce can entirely eliminate risks. Yet they can shape their safety culture around best practices, focusing on what they can control and consistently identifying ways to improve using Safe Site Check In and the safety daily logs.

And here’s a direct customer quote: “Our safety stats since [we] pivoted to the SSCI platform on 100+ projects:

  • 0 recordables since 4/28/21
  • 0 incidents since 5/27/22
  • Our worker’s comp is approx. $200k per year
  • Each EMR (mod rate) basis point equals $2k.
  • Savings of $40k+ per year in worker’s comp premiums
I do believe having workers check in each day each site and answer custom site safety questions elevates Safety to the top of mind which PREVENTS incidents.