National Safety Month: Is Your Jobsite Missing a Safety Tool?

by | Jun 23, 2021

June is National Safety Month. With this in mind, we want to ensure that job sites are equipped with the right tools to maintain a safe work environment. Accidents tend to happen more frequently if the right precautions aren’t taken. It’s important to ensure that workers are properly trained, equipment is handled correctly, and the right protective gear is worn – but many job sites are missing a simple but crucial tool that helps ensure the safety of their employees – job site visibility.

We break down three reasons why the right job site visibility tool is important for construction site safety:

1. You Can Ditch Estimates and Manual Data Entry

Although daily reports are mundane and time consuming, they’re necessary. You’ve likely had to track down supervisors and field personnel for information, so you know the pain of achieving accurate and timely daily reports. It’s crucial to have an exact understanding of who’s on your job site, for how long, and why. This visibility is the foundation of a safe work environment. Your full-time workers, subcontractors, and visitors will also feel at ease knowing that safety is a top priority throughout every aspect of their job with an automatic construction safety program in place.

2. You’ll Have Real-Time Updates on What’s Happening on the Job Site

One important aspect of job site safety is having an up-to-date understanding of who is coming and going. Are they full-time workers? Subcontractors? Delivery drivers? How long will they be there and why? History is also important – how often do you have to go back and look at what happened at a job site weeks or months ago? Was it easy to access and are you confident about that data? Are employees and visitors vaccinated? And if not, are they informed on how to follow proper health and safety protocols?

With the right job site visibility tool, project managers and owners have peace of mind knowing that the proper steps are being taken at all times to ensure a safe work environment.

3. You Can Finally Keep Track of Multiple Construction Sites at Once

Managing multiple job sites can be overwhelming. Each construction site may have its own specific protocols and capacity limits in place that require special attention and careful organization. But with the right job site visibility tool, all of your data can be safely stored within one app, giving you the ability to access information on multiple sites from anywhere. Even if you are off-site, you have complete visibility into all of the visitor activity at any of your sites within seconds. The data lives at your fingertips with an easy-to-use, no-download, and no-install process.

Safe Site Check In Is the Safety Tool Your Construction Site Is Missing

With Safe Site Check In (SSCI), construction site visibility is quick, easy, paperless, and affordable. SSCI is a digital site management tool that collects visitor data automatically, making job site control easier than ever. Managers or admins can set up check-in sites in minutes, then customize and adapt to change as workplace requirements evolve. Our back-end data repository makes it easy to validate everyone who was on your site, when they arrived, and for how long.

See how Safe Site Check In can streamline your construction site’s safety protocols by taking advantage of our free trial offer.